Ta'afi Initiative

Ta'afi’s team adopts the philosophy that those who are most affected by detention, torture and enforced disappearance should be at the forefront of making the changes. Therefore, Ta’afi is focused on prisoners of conscience and detainees and is led by their experiences, voices, and ambitions for a human rights-respecting Syria.


Missoin: Ta’afi’s mission is to support survivors of detention and enable them to resume their fight toward justice, accountability, and victims’ rights through engaging them in Ta’afi advocacy efforts in putting an end to arbitrary detention and torture and ensuring freedom of expression and human rights.


Vision: A Syria premised on freedom of opinion and expression, where no one is arrested as a result of their peaceful human rights work, besides not to be tortured or forcibly disappeared under any circumstances.

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Our Values

We ensure that survivors’ interests and perspectives are always prioritized
Independent and Impartial
of any political, religious, racial, or ethnic affiliations; and Impartial in taking no sides in the Syrian conflict.
Premised on Human Rights
our work is guided by human rights, humanitarian law, and other relevant international standards; as well as principles of non-discrimination against religion, race, color, or gender
Do No Harm
to ensure that no harm is caused to any political prisoner or survivor by participating in any Ta’afi activity